In December China’s manufacturing PMI reached a peak in the last four years

Date: 11:55, 04-01-2017.

Almaty. January 4. Silkroadnews – In December 2016 Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in the manufacturing sector of China rose to the highest level for the last 47 months, Chinese media reported.

According to the survey, in December index of business activity in China’s manufacturing sector rose to 51.9 from 50.9 in November.

The data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Sunday show, in December the country’s manufacturing PMI made 51.4 having decreased versus November reading of 51.7 though exceeding a mark of 50 for the fifth consecutive month.

The PMI index serves to show the level of business activity of the enterprises. A PMI reading above 50 signals expansion in economic activity, while a reading below that level signals contraction.

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