In Kyrgyzstan GDP growth is forecasted to become 5% in 2016

Date: 13:42, 25-01-2016.

Almaty. January 25. Silkroadnews – The forecasts show the GDP of Kyrgyzstan to achieve 501 billion som, i.e. 5% growth, KyrTAG reports.
“The forecast for 2016 is approved, according to it GDP is expected to make 501 billion KGS, thus, 105.2% growth rate. We expect inflation at 7.8% level. Indeed, the predictions are too ambitious, yet there are some factors to provide growth in such volumes”, the head of the macroeconomic policy department under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic Nasridin Shamshiev said at the seminar “Media coverage of the economic development and women’s entrepreneurship issues”.  
One of these factors, according to him, is Kyrgyzstan’s full membership in the EEU to be resulted in the effect of the borders opening.
“Second, we have a gold deposit “Kumtor”, the company ensures they shall not reduce the production volume. The share of “Kumtor” within the industry of the Kyrgyz Republic makes about 50%, which is about 10% of GDP”, he added.
In addition, this year “Junda” company shall start its operation, with 350 thousand tons of processed products planned.
“We do have big expectations from the Tokmok refinery. Taldy-Bulak Left Bank, its output shall reach around 2-2.5 tons of gold this year. Even greater are the expectations from the agriculture sector”, N.Shamshiev said.

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