In Kyrgyzstan noted the outbreak of pasteurellosis

Date: 13:55, 10-11-2014.

Almaty. November 10. Silkroadnews - Kyrgyzstan marked outbreak of pasteurellosis of livestock, transmits KyrTAG referring to the director of the State Inspectorate for veterinary and phytosanitary safety, Samir Osmonaliev.
As he mentioned, laboratory recorded that more than 2 thousand sheep are sick for pasteurellosis and more than 1 thousand sheep died.
"The main reason for the outbreak of pasteurellosis this year is related to unfavorable weather conditions in 2014. This year, as you remember, the climate was dry, herbage on pastures poor. Livestock was below average fatness, and therefore has a weak immune system. On the feeding and maintenance of animals in general we need to pay attention",- said S.Osmonaliev.
According to him, pasteurellosis is not included in the list of diseases whose treatment is funded from the national budget.

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