In Kyrgyzstan, the pharmacies will be obliged to issue instructions of drugs in Braille

Date: 11:58, 05-08-2014.

Almaty. August 5. Silkroadnews - In Kyrgyzstan, pharmacies will be obliged to issue instructions on drugs in Braille, reports KyrTAG.
"Parliament deputies Dastan Bekeshev introduced a bill requiring owners of pharmacies and pharmacists to duplicate the instructions for drugs in Braille for the blind and visually impaired citizens. The draft law "On Amendments to the Law" "On Medicines" is published on the website of the Parliament and is submitted for public discussion", - said in a statement on Tuesday.
It is not necessary to put such instructions in each pharmaceutical packaging: enough to have at least one copy of these instructions to all available in a range of medicines.
The need for amendments to the law rose from the fact that in Kyrgyzstan, about 50% of the population has some visual impairment. For those over 50 years, this figure is closer to 60%. Statistics show that among students is becoming more visually impaired children. According to the annual medical examination prior to enrollment visual acuity is observed in 8%, of school children - more than 20%.

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