Increase in withdrawal of water from the Ili and the Black Irtysh rivers in China shall create serious consequences for Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstani weather forecaster state

Date: 14:35, 18-01-2016.

Almaty. January 18. Silkroadnews - Further increase in water extraction from the rivers Ili and Irtysh (Black Irtysh) in China threatens Kazakhstan with serious environmental and economic consequences, “Kazhydromet” reports.
“At present the flow of water from the territories of neighboring countries has decreased significantly. The transboundary rivers are Ili and Irtysh (Black Irtysh), which basins’ upper parts are located within the PRC territory. A further increase in water intake from these rivers in China threatens Kazakhstan with serious environmental and economic consequences. Therefore, these matters are monitored and resolved at the international level”, “Kazhydromet” reported answering the request by KazTAG.
According to the data, Kazakhstan belongs to the group of regions with low water availability. In this respect the lowland areas are particularly vulnerable. The bulk of the water resources are presented by the surface water.
“The main rivers of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the international watercourses. Local river water resources are limited. Stock of many rivers, especially the plain streams, is regulated by the reservoirs and ponds”, the Hydrometeorological agency stressed.
Water resources formed within Kazakhstan are mainly characterized by high variability – the alternations of high-water years and exceptionally dry years, the experts specified.
“In practice this means that about four years out of five the rivers of Akmola, Kostanay, West Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Karaganda, North Kazakhstan regions are low, with droughts observed from time to time. High water years are observed no more than once per 5-7 years. During that time the numerous reservoirs are filled, the channels got irrigated, the concentration of harmful substances in the water got reduced. And once per 15-20 years the rivers Ishim, Nura, Tobol, Emba, Sary Su, Ilek, Irgiz and others see extremely high spring floods accompanied with spills, destruction of roads, bridges, power lines, flooding of towns and villages”, “Kazhydromet” specialists explained.
At the same time the economic activity pays a significant impact on water resources within the recent years. Water resources, mainly surface water resources, are used in agriculture for irrigation, pasture irrigation, watering livestock farms, utilities and industry. Among the water users one will also see the hydropower plants, fisheries, water transport.
“The largest water withdrawals are made for purposes of irrigation and water supply of settlements. The proportion of river flow withdrawn in the course of water management varies widely. Sometimes there might be a complete withdrawal of water from some small water sources. Water management applies mainly to large rivers, foothills and plains, yet the mountain areas are started to be developed gradually”, “Kazhydromet” reports.
The most important for Kazakhstan are the issues of water resources management for the international watercourses.

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