India intends to build a ferro-alloys production factory in Uzbekistan

Date: 07:00, 12-01-2016.

Almaty. January 12. Silkroadnews - Indian company “Aeepl Dreamingeers” is going to participate in the ferroalloys plant construction in Uzbekistan. The agreement was signed between the company and JSC “Uzbek Metallurgical Plant”, UzTAG reports.
According to representative of the Uzbek enterprise, the Indian company shall provide “Uzbek Metallurgical Plant” with its technology for the production of ferrosilicon and ferromanganese, which are important components in metallurgical works.
“The new production will be organized on the basis of Kokpatas field in Central Kyzylkum, funding for the project shall be carried out at the expense of “Uzbek Metallurgical Plant” in the amount of $64.8 million”, the agency reports.
In 2017 new company plans production of up to 15 thousand tons of ferrosilicon with up to 10 thousand tons of ferromanganese in 2018.
Earlier “Uzbek Metallurgical Plant” used to buy the necessary amounts of ferrosilicon and ferromanganese in Ukraine and Russia.
JSC “Uzbek Metallurgical Plant” is the only steel plant in Central Asia working with scrap metal. The plant, which accounts for 90% of steel products in the country, was launched back in 1956. Previously it recycled scrap metal coming from all Central Asian republics. Currently, due to lower scrap supply its capacity is not being loaded to the full.
At the end of 2014, the plant increased steel production by 0.7% compared with 2013 with up to 751.4 thousand tons, and by 1% increase in rolled ferrous metal products - up to 725.2 thousand tons.

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