International sanctions against Iran are removed

Date: 08:00, 18-01-2016.

Almaty. January 18. Silkroadnews - Implementation of an agreement on the Iranian atom starts as of January 16, while all the international and unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic are removed, TASS agency reports.
“Today we reached the beginning of the implementation of the joint comprehensive action plan (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program”, - announced the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini at a press conference in Vienna.
She also said, “since the agreement has been concluded we worked hard and showed a common desire and collective will to reach finally the SVPD implementation”.
“As Iran fulfilled its obligations, today the international economic and financial sanctions related Iran’s nuclear program are removed according to SVPD”, – she emphasized.
F. Mogherini also noted that the “Six-nation group on Iran” (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany) and Iran “will cooperate in the peaceful application of the nuclear energy within SVPD framework”.
“The UN sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program have been removed”, - continued the head of EU diplomacy.
According to her, “the UN Security Council resolution that approved the SVPD shall now on, along with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, be the only international legal framework related to Iran’s nuclear activities”.
“In its turn, the IAEA is responsible to monitor the implementation of SVPD, as well as fulfillment by Iran of its obligations as a party to the NPT and the safeguards agreement and provisional application of the Additional Protocol”, - she added.
On Saturday IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano announced that Iran fulfilled one’s obligations. Immediately after that the EU reported on the full, and the US - on the partial, removal of sanctions from Tehran.
Meanwhile, the US will continue to strengthen sanctions related to Iran’s development of ballistic missiles, “supporting terrorism” and human rights violations.
In addition, the US is not going to give up its policy against, as President Barack Obama said, Iran’s support of terrorism and “one’s violent allies” in Syria, human rights violations in the republic and the Iranian ballistics program.
Thus, as it is reported by the media, the US Treasury announced the introduction of new sanctions against Iran. The US sanctions list included 11 companies and individuals associated with the program of the Iranian ballistic missiles test. The sanctions provide a ban on any financial transactions with these individuals and companies, their property and assets in the US and in US banks should be frozen.

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