Iran and Britain have discussed issues of bilateral cooperation in the fight against terrorism

Date: 07:41, 10-03-2015.

Almaty. March 6. Silkroadnews - Tehran and London have confirmed their mutual interest in expanding bilateral cooperation in the fight against terrorism and finding ways of early settlement of the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, informs the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Friday.
Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Amirabdullahiyan informed the director of the Middle East bureau of the British Foreign Ministry Edward Oukden about Tehran's principle position on the social and political situation in countries such as Syria, Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen. He stressed that Iran's approach in resolving problems in the region is based on the need to implement measures to counter terrorism, prevent foreign interference in the internal affairs of states in the region and create favorable conditions for the promotion of open dialogue between the main political actors in these countries.
In turn, the British diplomat pointed out the important role of the Islamic Republic in the region and expressed his country's interest in establishing a trusting and mutually beneficial relations with Iran. Speaking about the situation in the region, E.Oukden described it as very tense and concerning for the international community.
During his stay in Tehran E.Oukden also held bilateral talks with several other members of Iran, during which the parties discussed the most important issues on the regional agenda and considered ways to restore full diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Iran, as well as an opportunity to accelerate the re-opening of embassies of the two countries in the capitals of both countries.
As recalled by the agency in June 2014, Tehran and London have agreed to reopen the British embassy in Tehran and the resume the diplomatic relations between the two countries after a complete break in 2011.

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