Iran and Russia have agreed to intensify cooperation in the electricity sector.

Date: 08:32, 19-11-2014.

Almaty. November, 18. Silkroadnews - Iran and Russia have agreed to intensify cooperation in the electricity sector, informs the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
Deputy Minister of Energy for International Affairs of Iran, Ismail Mahsuli informed that Iranian and Russian sides reached an agreement on the construction of new power plants and high-voltage power lines, as well as electricity exchange.
According to the Deputy Minister, currently already started technical talks with Russian companies on the design, construction and commissioning of new power plants in Iran with total capacity up to 5 thousand MW, as well as the laying of high voltage power lines.
The parties reached a preliminary agreement on the exchange of electricity up to 500 MW. The idea is that in the summer Iran will import electricity from Russia, and in winter, when Iran produces excess of electricity it will export it to Russia. In this regard, together with Azerbaijan is preparing to sync grids of the two countries, said I.Mahsuli.
In addition, he said, another topic of talks between Iran and Russia is building a large coal power plant in Tabas and in the last two months of being active exchange of delegations whose members began to get acquainted with the objects of the electricity industry in Iran and to evaluate future joint projects.
Meanwhile Mahsuli announced the establishment of a joint working group, composed from representatives of the Iranian Central Bank, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the organization of foreign investment, the energy company "Tavanir", the Ministry of Energy and Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zangane as a chairman of Iranian part of the ongoing Iranian-Russian commission on trade and economic cooperation. However, he stressed that, given the progress in bilateral negotiations can be assumed that the final contract in the field of electric power will be signed between the Iranian and Russian companies in the near future.

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