Iran and Russia signed an economic and trade agreement

Date: 09:25, 10-09-2014.

Tehran. September 10. Silkroadnews - Iran and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding on trade and economic cooperation, reported the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
The document was signed by the Minister of Petroleum of Iran Bijanov Namdar Zanganeh and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak after a meeting in Tehran on Tuesday.
According to the Russian Minister, Russian Federation is determined to take the necessary steps for the implementation of joint projects with Iranian partners, so that in the near future to increase the volume of bilateral trade to $10 billion.
As recalled by the agency, Tehran on September 9-10, hosts the 11th meeting of the permanent Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation, under which on Tuesday was held a business conference with the participation of the private sector of both countries.

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