Iran and Turkey signed a number of agreements to expand cooperation

Date: 07:04, 09-04-2015.

Almaty. April 8. Silkroadnews - Tehran and Ankara have signed eight cooperation agreements and one joint statement aimed at the development of bilateral relations between the two countries, informs the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Wednesday.
Documents were signed at the end of the second session of the supreme Iranian-Turkish Council for Strategic Cooperation in Tehran aimed at broadening and deepening of bilateral cooperation in areas such as energy, transport, trade, as well as in private investment.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani after the signing ceremony, said that the parties have also agreed to expand bilateral relations in the sphere of culture and education. In addition, Iran and Turkey plan to strengthen cooperation in security along the common borders.
In turn, President Recep Tayip Erdogan said that the realities of today require the leadership of both countries to join the efforts with a view to develop cooperation between the parties in all areas without exception.
At the same time, he expressed confidence that Turkey and Iran could become a good example of mutually beneficial cooperation and good neighborly relations for all other countries in the region.
It is expected that trade between the two countries by the end of the year should reach $30 billion a year.
As previously reported, the President of Turkey on April 7 arrived to Iran on an official visit.

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