Iran established a record of the daily volume of oil exports

Date: 08:56, 29-04-2015.

Almaty. April 29. Silkroadnews - Iran on Tuesday shipped 7 million barrels of oil, thereby setting a 10-year-old record for the volume of daily exported oil, informs the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
According to the publication, this amount was made possible after the commissioning in the middle of this month, 8 new loading docks at the terminal "Kharg" in the Persian Gulf.
As the head of the Iranian oil terminals Pirouz Mousavi, the previous record of Iranian oil for the shipment of crude oil amounted to about 6 million barrels a day.
"This event took place at time when many countries have expressed doubts about the ability of Iran to make large supplies of oil abroad", - he said.
P.Mousavi recalled that over the past year in order to increase the export potential of Iran's oil industry, at the terminal "Kharg" were carried out large-scale works to modernize and expand its capacity, for which the state has spent "tens of millions of dollars".
"Kharg" is the largest oil terminal in Iran. According to some estimates, more than 90% of exports of Iranian oil and petroleum products accounted for this terminal. It is located on the same island in the Persian Gulf in 55 km from the port city of Bushehr.
Terminal infrastructure was severely damaged during the Iran-Iraq war, 1980-88. Before which its capacity was about 14 million barrels per day.

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