Iran has shipped 30 tons of shrimp to Russia

Date: 16:09, 12-01-2015.

Almaty. January 12. Silkroadnews - Russia received the first batch of Iranian shrimp with a total weight of 30 tons, reports IrTAG with reference to the Deputy Minister of Agricultural Jihad Hassan Salehi.
"Last week, finally took place the shipping of the first batch of Iranian cargo to Russia - 30 tons of shrimp. With the positive conclusion of the negotiations between Iranian businessmen with their Russian counterparts on the issue of price, there are plans by the end of this year (up to March 21, 2015) to supply Russia with about 5 thousand tons of shrimp, as the Russian market has a huge demand for this amount of shrimp from Iran",- said H.Salehi, who also directs the Fisheries Organisation country.
According to him, in the case of a mutually acceptable price with Russia, Iran can also export to the Russian Federation up to 20 thousand tons of high quality trout. He stressed that compliance of Russian sanitary standards for products purchased from Iran, were agreed in a joint operation of the competent authorities of both countries.
It should be noted that Tehran and Moscow in recent years occupy similar positions on many issues of regional and international politics. Against the background of the introduction of Western economic sanctions against Iran, the Russian Federation expressed its willingness to replace a number of products that were previously delivered to the Russian market from the European Union, but came under Russian response restrictive measures.

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