Iran implements projects in the mining sector for 6 billion euros

Date: 08:14, 09-07-2014.

Tehran. July 9. Silkroadnews - More than 40 mining projects in the amount of EUR 6 billion are currently underway in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
According to the deputy head of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the development and modernization of mines and mining Mullorahmani Jamshid, the implementation of these projects will allow the country to develop not less than 25 thousand new job places. The mining industry is also one of the priorities of economic policy of the current government, added J.Mullorahmani.
As recalled by the agency, formerly CEO of the organization Mehdi Karbasyan pointed to the growing number of foreign companies wishing to participate in various projects in the field of the Iranian economy.
It is worth noting that Iran is among the 15 countries possessing the largest mineral reserves in the world.

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