Iran intends to increase the supply of medicines to Russia by 4 times

Date: 07:01, 31-10-2014.

Almaty. October 31. Silkroadnews - Iran intends to increase the supply of medicines to Russia by 4 times, transfers IrTAG.
"Over the next three years, the export of pharmaceutical products from Iran to Russia will reach $120 million" ,- says the publication with reference to the Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Soren Sattar.
According to him, today to Russia annually supplied drugs and medicines manufactured in Iran worth about $30 million.
Increased interest of the Russian partners to pharmaceutical industry of Iran, is due to the fact that the Islamic Republic takes 7th place in the world in the field of nanotechnology, which are successfully implemented in the country in the development and industrial production of modern and high quality medicines.
As noted, S.Sattari is in Russia on a working visit as the head of the government delegation. The delegation arrived in Kazan, where he met the Vice President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

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