Iran intends to take action if there is an injustice agreement on nuclear program

Date: 08:34, 15-01-2015.

Almaty. January 15. Silkroadnews - «Iran's Foreign Ministry is closely monitoring the progress of talks on Tehran's nuclear program in Geneva", - said a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Iran Marziya Afham.
According to her, if the Ministry sees that the negotiations do not lead to a final, fair and reasonable agreement, Iran will have to take some measures.
Answering about a new round of sanctions against Iran, which is considered by legislators of the United States, M.Afham noted that "the US Congress uses inefficient tools as sanctions, and they are wrong".
"The ineffectiveness of such measures has already been proved. Iranian people will be able to build their future on the basis of their own plans and opportunities",- said a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Iran.
Raising the question of Russia's role in the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program, she again expressed the view that Russia has "effective weight" to play a more active role in the negotiations, which should lead to the conclusion of a fair and reasonable agreement on the Iranian nuclear dossier.
Meanwhile, it is reported that on the evethe Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif flew to Geneva, where he will meet with his US counterpart John Kerry. Then, from 15 to 17 January, the official delegations of Iran and US negotiators will hold a series of bilateral consultations on the Iranian nuclear program, and on 18 January will be held full-scale meeting between Iran and the "six" at the level of political directors.

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