Iran is taking steps to expand trade ties with Pakistan

Date: 06:51, 05-12-2014.

Almaty. December 4. Silkroadnews - Iranian authorities intend to expand the range of products included in the list of preferential trade with Pakistan, informed the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Thursday.
As the director of the department of trade with the countries of Asia and the Pacific of the trade facilitation of Iran Mujtaba Musaviyan, we need to give a realistic assessment of the current status of trade and economic relations with Pakistan and to take comprehensive measures to eliminate existing obstacles to the development of relations with the Islamic Republic with neighboring country.
According to I.Musaviyan, about 40% of the total exports of Sistan and Baluchistan made through border markets.
Meanwhile, he recalled that in 2007 between the two countries was signed the Treaty on preferential trade, according to which trade between them is based on the reduction of customs tariffs on 607 items. Currently, the parties agreed to extend this list and to include new types of goods, which will be covered by the mentioned agreement, said the head of the department.

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