Iran launches 24 hour channel in Azeri

Date: 14:52, 15-10-2014.

Almaty. October 15. Silkroadnews - Convenience Channel in the Azerbaijani language will begin broadcasting in Iran, the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
"In the broadcast of the new channel will appear shot in Azerbaijan TV series, documentaries and feature films, animated films", - said the head of the Radio and Television of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ezzatulla Zarghami, in Baku on a working visit.
According to him, the activities of the new channel will be mainly devoted to the coverage of the bilateral relations and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Iran in the cultural sphere.
E.Zargami noted that an important place in the activity of the channel will be given to the strengthening of cultural relations between the countries, the development of the Azerbaijani language.
He also said that Iran intends to take advantage of the telecommunications satellite of Azerbaijan «Azerspace-1".

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