Iran plans to export liquefied natural gas to Europe

Date: 07:04, 12-02-2016.

Almaty. February 12. Silkroadnews - By the end of implementation of the 6th five-year country’s development program (2016-2020), the volume of gas production in Iran is expected to exceed 1 billion cubic meters per day, stated Amir Hossein Zamaniniya, Iran’s deputy oil minister for international affairs, the Iranian mass-media reported.
Thus, at the joint meeting of the members of the Italian delegation with representatives of the Iranian companies the deputy minister said that in the long run Iran hopes to export the liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe. According to him, Iran’s oil industry needs investments, new technologies and management techniques within this post-sanctions period.
At the same time A. Zamaniniya reminded Iran is involved in the solution of some regional problems, provides political stability, security and development of democracy and acts as a collective player on the international scene within the joint efforts to achieve the stability in the region.
Deputy minister also voiced the hope that Italy will be able to undertake part of the investment that at present are required by the various sectors of the country’s oil industry. According to him, total amount of investments Iran needs makes hundreds of billions of dollars.
A. Zamaniniya also emphasized the high level of energy consumption in Iran and added that in winter Iran spends the same amount of gas as consumed by Europe as a whole. As the deputy minister believes there are companies in Europe that have achieved a notable progress in the field of energy conservation, thus, they can help Iran in energy consumption improving.

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