Iran plans to increase the amount of export of petrochemical products to Europe up to $5 billion a year

Date: 12:16, 06-04-2015.

Almaty. April 6. Silkroadnews - Iran has developed a special package of measures, according to which the export of Iranian petrochemical products to the EU is projected to reach $5 billion a year, informs the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG).
"In case of cancellation of international sanctions against the Islamic Republic, local businesses are willing to deliver annually to the European markets high-quality petrochemical products of domestic production in the amount of not less than $5 billion", - said General Director of the Association of workers of petrochemical industry of Iran Ahmad Mahdavi.
A.Mahdavi noted that according to the developed plan, the nomenclature of products for export to the EU includes a wide range of products such as ethylene, propylene, butylene, methanol, and other polymers.
He explained that the expected lifting of sanctions against Iran will not only boost the export of Iranian goods to Europe, but will also give domestic companies the opportunity to buy from the world's manufacturers modern technology and equipment for the industry, as well as give them access to financial services in the leading European banks .
According to the director of association, before the sanctions against Iran, the country annually exported to the EU petrochemical products worth $2 billion, and today Iran has the necessary potential to increase the supply 2.5 times.
According to him, currently in Iran annually produced about 43 million tons of various petrochemical products and after commissioning new production capacity in the coming years, this figure will reach 75-80 million tons.

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