Iran's first plant on processing gas into the synthetic oil will be launched in 2018

Date: 14:48, 07-08-2014.

Almaty. August 7. Silkroadnews - Iran's first plant processing natural gas into synthetic oil will be put into operation on the island of Qeshm in the Persian Gulf in 2018, the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Thursday.
It is assumed that one of the products, will be gasoline that meets standarts of Euro-5.
The total project cost is estimated at about $200 million, and its production capacity is planned at 3 thousand barrels per day.
As previously reported, the Islamic Republic intends in the near future to begin deliveries of gasoline and diesel fuel on the domestic markets of Afghanistan and Iraq.
The technology for the production of synthetic oil, commonly known as GTL-technology, based on processing of gas into liquid hydrocarbon chemically. It is noteworthy that the transport of synthetic oil costs five times cheaper than conventional gas transportation.

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