Iran’s science advancement to slow down in isolation, Rouhani believes

Date: 17:06, 22-06-2016.

Almaty. June 22. Silkroadnews – Speaking to university professors and doctors at an Iftar banquet held in Tehran on Tuesday, President Hassan Rouhani highlighted the role of nuclear deal in improving further connection with the world’s scientific centers, saying the advancement of science will be too slow in isolation, information agency Mehr wrote.

“Universities are at the forefront of serving the community and the country and in no way should we look at universities and students through security lenses. (…) We should try to build trust in our engagement with the university students and academics,” H. Rouhani said and added his government is trying to create more free atmosphere in universities and restore the authority to students and professors.

“Some say if our professors make contact with professors in other countries, and if our technology gets in touch with the outside, some perils may threaten the safety of our country and as such, this connection must be severed, but one cannot shut the gates to the outside and still expect to have economic and scientific progress,” the president of the country said.

He also noted that “the 11th government has made every effort to allow our universities more space to breathe and act more independently and with more safety.”

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