Iran will build five offshore oil and gas platforms worth $1.1 billion

Date: 14:18, 03-06-2015.

Almaty. June 3rd. Silkroadnews - Iran begins to create its own fixed offshore platforms (FOP) for drilling oil and gas wells, transmits the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Wednesday.
Yesterday in Tehran in the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade of Iran between the ministry and a consortium of domestic companies led by Razavi Oil and Gas Development Company (ROGDC) was held a special ceremony, during which were signed the relevant contracts for the construction of five FOPs in the country.
As the managing director of ROGDC Ali Yadkar, currently Iranian companies have the necessary technological know-how and capacity to implement such projects.
According to him, the project also has the full support of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum and the national oil company, which, according to the agreement, undertake to do everything to facilitate its early implementation, including the adoption of measures to encourage state enterprises involved in the project.
Meanwhile, the head of the company Tasdid Maritime Structures Development Company Ghulam Abbas Jokar told the audience that the design work is already completed, obtained all necessary approvals from the supervisory authorities.
The total cost of the project will be about $1.1 billion.

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