Iranian authorities said about IS militants possible transfer to Afghanistan

Date: 10:35, 21-12-2017.

Almaty. December 21. Silkroadnews – Defeated in Syria and Iraq militants of the terrorist group “Islamic State” seek refuge in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, Iran’s Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alawi said, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) reports.
According to him, having lost their positions in Syria and Iraq the IS fighters did not surrender their weapons and intend to build an Islamic caliphate in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Afghan press reports.
Earlier, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stated the defeat of the “Islamic state” in Iraq. In turn, Russian President Vladimir Putin said about the IS defeat in Syria.
Reportedly, the press repeatedly received information on the IS militants transfer to the north of Afghanistan and also travel of some militants from France and Algeria, who earlier fought for the IS in Syria, to Darzab district of Jowzjan province.
Earlier, FSB director Alexander Bortnikov also said on intentions of the IS group to move to Afghanistan and warned it poses a threat to the region.

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