Kazakh horse game kөkpar can add to the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Date: 06:44, 05-03-2015.

Astana. March 4. Silkroadnews - Kazakh horse game kөkpar can be added to the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, reported the press service of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
"In 2015, UNESCO considers the possibility of inclusion the Kazakh horse games kөkpar in the list of intangible cultural heritage. Kөkpar and bәyge are still are very popular in our country and are an integral part of the traditional culture of the Kazakh people. Their further preservation and promotion are very important for the younger generation of Kazakhstan", - said the press service of the State Museum of Arts named after A.Kasteev released by the ministry on Wednesday.
It is noted that the state museum named A.Kasteyev on March 5 will open the exhibition "National Games - heritage of the people".  An exhibition is devoted to the most interesting and bright phenomenon in the traditional culture of the Kazakh people, introduction of the works of masters of painting, drawing and sculpture of Kazakhstan.
The exhibition runs until the end of March.

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