Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2015 plan to expand trade at the expense of the finished product

Date: 14:05, 26-12-2014.

Almaty. December 26. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2015 plan to diversify mutual trade through enhanced delivery of finished products by signing a number of documents, KazTAG.
In their speeches at the 14th meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation  - First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev and his Uzbek counterpart Rustam Azimov - focused on enhancing bilateral trade and eliminate existing barriers.
In turn, Azimov said that "Uzbekistan can provide favorable conditions for the purchase of products from famous brands, which are produced in the country".
The meeting also reviewed aspects of the Kazakh-Uzbek cooperation in the water and energy sector, agriculture, industrial and gas fields.
Following the meeting, the Commission signed a joint protocol. According to the document, the parties reached an agreement in the first quarter of 2015 to work on expanding mutual deliveries of finished products.
Uzbek and Kazakh negotiators also agreed to develop a mutually acceptable tariff concessions on transportation and transit of certain goods. In the transport sector the parties will continue in 2015 to discuss issues related to the opening of the cargo air traffic, as well as increasing the number of passenger flights.
According to Uzbek statistics, the trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan at the end of 2013 increased by 18% compared with 2012 and amounted to $3.244 billion. In the first 9 months. this year's turnover increased by 25.7% - to $3.061 billion.
Kazakhstan is among the top three trade partners of Uzbekistan with a share of 14.4% in total turnover (first place - Russia with 27%).
The main export items of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan in 2014 were natural gas, food products, chemical products, the main import items of Uzbekistan from Kazakhstan - food products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, chemical products.

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