Kazakhstan has imposed a temporary ban on the sale of imported poultry meat

Date: 13:53, 21-07-2015.

Almaty. July 21. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan has introduced a temporary ban on poultry of foreign production, reported the press service of the Committee for Consumer Protection of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan.
"This decision was made based on the results of sanitary-epidemiological examination, after detection of pathogenic organisms - Salmonella. Under the bann went following products: chicken" Blagoyar" produced by JSC "Myasoptitsekombinat Blagodarnenskiy" (Russia, Stavropol Territory, the Grateful); bird broiler chicken production of "Mironovskaya Poultry" (Ukraine, Cherkasky region, Kaniv district,. Stepantsov); broiler chicken breast and broiler chickens produced by "Nagaybaksky poultry complex" (Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Nagaybaksky district); as well as bird broiler chicken "Horoshee delo" produced by "Yubileynoye" (Russia, Republic of Mordovia, Chamzinsky district, pr Chamzinka)", - stated in a press release.
As explained, the relevant notice was sent to the competent authorities of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community.
"The Committee on Consumer Protection warns retailers of Kazakhstan on the need for measures to prevent the sale of products with inadequate technical regulations of the Customs Union and encourages consumers to more actively inform the Department of the Committee on the implementation of the facts of sales of these manufacturers", - said in the information.

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