Kazakhstan is interested to ensure uninterrupted oil delivery to world markets, including through the territory of Azerbaijan

Date: 13:04, 04-04-2017.

Almaty. April 4. Silkroadnews – Kazakhstan is interested to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of oil and oil products to the world markets, including through the territory of Azerbaijan, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev stated.

“We are interested in ensuring the uninterrupted delivery of oil and oil products to world markets, including through the territory of Azerbaijan. At launch of large projects in Kazakhstan we try to create conditions for the localization of the production of equipment or other products. In this regard, we discussed the possibility of creating joint industrial enterprises in those areas where the parties have experience and practices”, press service quoted N. Nazarbayev saying.

According to president, it is necessary to increase the trade turnover, as “the existing volume of 140 million dollars doesn’t meet our interests”. He also noted, “taking into account the coordinated actions in the near future, we can increase the trade turnover up to 500 million dollars".

During the meeting the parties signed a joint declaration; the governments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a protocol on introduction of amendments and additions to the Convention between the governments of two states to avoid double taxation and preventing tax evasion regarding income and property taxes dated of September 16, 1996.

Also, the governments of two states signed agreements on international road transport and cooperation in the field of quarantine and plant protection. In turn, an agreement on strategic cooperation in logistics and railway transport engineering was signed between JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”” and CJSC “Azerbaijan Railways”.

A list of documents signed also included a program of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2017-2018.

To remind, president N. Nazarbayev paid a working visit to Azerbaijan.

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