Kazakhstan is ready to deliver its food and engineering industry products to the Iranian market

Date: 14:15, 01-03-2017.

Almaty. March 1. Silkroadnews – Kazakhstan is ready to deliver its food and engineering industry products to the Iranian market, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Kaznex Invest, Meyrzhan Maykenov said, KazTAG agency writes.

“The current relations in mutual trade field amount to $600 million a year, more than 90% of this amount ($550-560 million) are the Kazakhstani exports to Iran. We sell to Iran grain, metals and metal products”, M. Maykenov said at the conference on Wednesday.

With this he also added that Kazakhstan is ready to expand the range of products supplied.

“Kazakhstan is ready to expand the range of products supplied to Iran and offer the Iranian market food products, engineering industry and chemical industry products, as well as construction materials”, M.Maykenov noted.

“Within the exports framework Iran is an interesting partner that shows stable economic growth. In 2016 it amounted to 3%, according to forecasts for 2017-2018 growth is expected to reach 6-7%”, the deputy chairman stressed.

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