Kazakhstan plans to increase export of steel products to Iran and Arab countries

Date: 07:46, 07-04-2015.

Astana. April 6. Silkroadnews - Kazakh exporters see Iran and the Arab countries as promising markets for the supply of steel products, stated the Chairman of the Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of Kazakhstan (AGMP) Nicholay Radostovets, informs KazTAG.
"Iran is interested in our products. We are also considering the possibility of supply of iron ore pellets there, because the situation on exports to China has deteriorated in terms of volumes. Iran is a country which for us was practically closed. This is not just a major consumer, it is a rich country with a serious inner potential, and the consumer is not far from us. So now, the government has made a discount for "ArcelorMittal" through the port Aktau up to 40-50% on the transportation of goods by rail",- said  N.Radostovets at a briefing on the development of the mining industry in Kazakhstan on Monday.
Also, according to the head of the AGMP association, Kazakh exporters will develop supply to the United Arab Emirates and other countries in the region.
Futhermore, he added that the new, adjusted sales geography of Kazakh mining and metals production for export will be determined in the second half of 2015.

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