Kazakhstan to encourage Bahrain’s trade with Customs Union

Date: 12:43, 14-04-2014.

Astana. April 14. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan intends to offer Bahrain opportunities to enter multi-million Customs Union market within the framework of its bilateral cooperation with Bahrain, as Kazakh Minister of Industry and New Technologies Asset Issekeshev informs.
“This market has 170 mln people. Many investment companies find Kazakhstan most lucrative place to invest in the region, as it has closer ties to Bahrain. They could start doing business here with subsequent proliferation to the markets of Central Asia, Caucasus and Russia”, Mister Issekeshev said at Business Forum in Astana.
The Minister added that Kazakhstan is ready to support Bahrain’s initiatives on economic cooperation.
As reported earlier, Bahrain’s Emir, Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa, is paying his first official visit to Kazakhstan. The visit takes place between 13th and 15 of April.

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