Kazakhstan will supply to Kyrgyzstan 1.4 billion kilowatt of electricity in 2015

Date: 14:45, 07-11-2014.

Almaty. November 7. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan will supply to Kyrgyzstan 1.4 billion kilowat of electricity in 2015, informs the press service of the President of Kazakhstan.
"During a joint press conference it was also announced that Kazakhstan will provide assistance in the form of supplies to Kyrgyzstan 1.4 billion kilowatt of electricity in the next year. In turn, was reached an agreement with Kyrgyzstan to ensure our country's irrigation water during the growing season",- said in a statement published on Akorda website on Friday.
Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is developing successfully.
"Mutual trade in recent years tends to sustainable growth. Currently, trade between our countries exceeds the mark of one billion dollars. Kazakhstan is the largest trade partner of Kyrgyzstan.We are about to launch the Kazakh-Kyrgyz private equity funds. Kazakhstan carried out the expence of construction of two schools in the south and north of the Kyrgyzstan",- said the head of state.

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