Kazakhstanians last year went to United States twice more than Americans to Kazakhstan

Date: 15:41, 01-08-2014.

Almaty. August 1st. Silkroadnews - «Over the past year Kazakhstan produced about 11,500 visas to citizens of the United States, most of which were business and tourist visas, and we believe that it favored the strengthening of contacts between our peoples and contributed to the growth of economic cooperation. During this year, the diplomatic mission of the United States in Kazakhstan has issued about 21 thousand American visas for citizen of Kazakhstan"- informed KazTAG citing the press service of the United States Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The embassy recalled that a year ago, on August 1, 2013, Kazakhstan and the United States concluded an agreement on a five-year visa, which facilitated travel between the two countries and led to the filing of a record number of applications for visa.
Kazakhstan is the first country in Central Asia, which takes advantage of the five-year agreement on visa regime along with other strategically important countries with such agreements.

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