KazTAG news agencies net is a strong platform to promote the state policy of Kazakhstan and Central Asian region

Date: 17:21, 02-09-2016.

Almaty. September 2. Silkroadnews – All the news agencies partners of the international news agency KazTAG have their official registrations and legal addresses in the states where they work in the course of normal operation as fully realized news agencies, Acting General Director of KazTAG news agency Askar Matayev said giving his comments on the information Kazinform shared yesterday.

«The day before Kazinform agency shared the information that, in our view, brings discredit to my father and my brother Seitkazy and Asset Matayevs. The information states that «offices of KyrTAG, AfTAG, UzTAG and TajikTA were located in the building of the National Press Club in Almaty, i.e. in realilty KazTAG does not have any partners in Central Asia, though it is due to them KazTAG got the state order back in 2014». Hereto I can say with due responsibility that all of these news agencies are officially registered in the states where they work as independent news agencies. All these news agencies have been accredited in all the relevant authorities in the countries where they operate», Askar Matayev said.

He emphasized that according to the law on mass media, to get the official registration of the media in the host country, the author/founder of the project must first register the agency at the legal address – based on purchase/rent of real estate. According to him, all the legal procedures for registrations of KyrTAG, AfTAG, UzTAG TajikTA have been carried out by Seitkazy Matayev in due order.

«For example, my father personally flew to Kabul to register there AfTAG news agency and their office. The first project was KyrTAG. Since the first day of their operation KyrTAG office has been located in the center of Bishkek. All the employees are working there. At the very beginning the project had problems with the staff. For the most part the staff was formed out of the higher educational institutions graduates. Therefore, it was decided to appoint an experienced journalist from KazTAG to edit the news before release. The decision proved to be right and succsessful, thus, the same method was also applied for the other agencies. One or two experienced journalist/-s in Almaty, the KazTAG employees, supervised the new agencies and helped editing news before release. These employees did work in Almaty, working places of some of them were equipped in the building of the National Press Club. I'd like to note here the office does not mean a desk and a chair only», Askar Matayev added.

«A net of news agencies-partners is a unique international project that my father has been creating over the years. Indeed, you understand, being an experienced journalist and chairman of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan he could not break the law when opened these agencies. KyrTAG, AfTAG, UzTAG and TajikTA, then later AfTAG and IrTAG and news aggregator Silkroadnews were registered and opened within the period from 2010 to 2014. These agencies, as he saw them, had to become a major political and information capital of the project, which, I'd like to note, is still under development. As the project shows the information partners of KazTAG became a powerful information platform promoting the state policy of Kazakhstan and other Central Asian states. All of them used to operate and continue to work closely with KazTAG highlighting the state policy of Kazakhstan, as it was required by the contract clauses», A. Matayev summarized.

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