Kyrgyz MPs dspeculate who Stalin would shoot first in Parliament

Date: 10:04, 05-06-2014.

Bishkek. June 5. Silkroadnews – The Speaker of the Lower Chamber of Kyrgyz Parliament Asylbek Jeenbekov and his homonym, the MP, Ravshan Jeenbekov had a verbal fight with each other.
“Our population has no gas in the South of the country. If Stalin came to power this days, he would have execute the government members who left the nation without gas. The Speaker asylbek Jeenbekov would follow suit, as he tries to protect the government”, Ravshan Jeenbekov got a little heated in his judgement.
“If Stalin was alive, he would sent you to camps first for selling nurseries and schools off. When Ravshan Jeenbekov used to head the Ministry of State Property, he sold nurseries and pre-schools”, the Speaker publicly replied.
“And stop shouting at me from your seat. If you are that brave, then come to my office, We will settle our differences there” ASylbek Jeenbekov said to Ravshan Jeenbekov.

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