Kyrgyz parliament cancels all plenary sessions until parliamentary election

Date: 12:10, 03-09-2015.

Almaty. September 3. Silkroadnews - Prior to the announcement of the parliamentary election results, the plenary sessions of the Jogorku Kenesh will be canceled, reported KyrTAG with reference to the Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Asylbek Zheeenbekov on Thursday.
According to him, the committees and fractions will continue to work, including the fraction on human rights and constitutional law, which will provide oversight of the elections.
As announced speaker for the plenary session came only 30 deputies. Speaker adjourned for 15 minutes to re-register. However, after a quarter of an hour, the number of deputies was 34 out of 120.
Recall, elections to parliament scheduled for October 4.

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