Kyrgyz tobacco lobby prevents anti-smoking images from being printed on cigarette packaging - MP

Date: 09:31, 05-06-2014.

Bishkek. June 5. Silkroadnews - Kyrgyz tobacco lobby prevents anti-smoking images from being printed on cigarette packaging, Kyrgyz MP Damiea Niyazaliyeva said at the Press Conference.
She says a subsequent has been legislatively introduced in Kyrgyzstan. However, it is not properly enforced.
"The law came into force in 2008. The government prepared a decree to make that law work. However, the decree was turned back by the former government and Presidential Administration", she explained.
"Civil society members raised that issue two years ago. However, there is still no answer. It is being postponed over and over again, because tobacco companies are not benefiting from anti-smoking propaganda", she added.

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