Kyrgyzstan and Italy plan to produce goods for export

Date: 14:28, 26-04-2016.

Almaty. April 26. Silkroadnews – The ministry of economic development of Italy boost a new initiative – a project “Made in Kyrgyzstan together with Italy”, KyrTAG writes.

It was reported that recently the project has been presented to the ministry of economy of Kyrgyzstan, Chamber of Commerce and business associations, the Bishkek Business Club and the Association of Young Entrepreneurs.
It is expected that the country’s enterprises shall be equipped with modern production equipment and technologies within the framework of the project.

Under effective implementation the project, as designed for long-term prospect, shall contribute to the emergence and development of new production sectors in Kyrgyzstan and benefit all the parties involved. The proposed scheme is to attract to Kyrgyzstan the new technologies and know-how, new designs and famous brands, qualified management and business ties the Italian companies accrued for the long years of cooperation with their Russian partners.

The study revealed the production sectors in which Kyrgyzstan could become a partner using its potential of labor resources and industrial raw materials. First of all, these are the light industry and clothes production, processing of agricultural products, production of furniture and construction materials.

It is reported that the new production scheme of cooperation with Italian partners to produce goods for export shall build an entirely new model of economic cooperation between two countries. The new approach will certainly bring benefits to Kyrgyzstan as a country-producer and significantly reduce the process of industrialization, creating new jobs and helping to improve the quality of products through the application of the latest Italian technologies.

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