Kyrgyzstan intends to abolish the alternative military service for health reasons

Date: 11:51, 29-04-2015.

Almaty. April 29. Silkroadnews - Ministry of Defense of Kyrgyzstan intends to abolish the alternative service and eliminates the military departments in universities. This was announced by Director General of the Ministry of Defence of the Kyrgyz Republic Ruslan Abdrakhmanov, reports KyrTAG.
"We intend to eliminate the criteria of an alternative service for health reasons, as one of the criminogenic corruption. The officer ranks will be received only after the contract military service. Also, the Ministry of Defence eliminates military departments in universities. University graduates will also be military.  Everyone will serve",- said R. Abdrakhmanov at a press conference on Wednesday.
According to him, all these measures are within amendments to the law "On universal military duty".
As defense minister Abidilla Kudaiberdiev assured, youth will no longer be able to evade the army.
"Defence of the Fatherland - a sacred duty and responsibility of every citizen", - the minister added.

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