Kyrgyztanis not to handle Customs Union prices with their average incomes of USD 190, MP thinks

Date: 15:44, 20-05-2014.

Bishkek. May 20. Silkroadnews – Kyrgyzstanis would not be able to handle Customs Union prices with their average incomes of USD 190 a month, Kyrgyz MP thinks.
“Average income in Russia is around USD 1 000 a month, in Kazakhstan  - USD 900, in Belarus – USD 600. It is only USD 190 in Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstanis would not be able to handle the hike in prices that will inevitably happen once the country joins the Customs Union”, Ravshan Zhaanbekov said at Parliament hearings on “Pros and Cons of Kyrgyzstan membership in Customs Union”.
He reminded that the consumer good prices including prices on clothing and automotive vehicles are to increase once Kyrgyzstan joins the Customs Union. The MP reckons Kyrgyzstan would have to accept the rules that other members are to set.
“One expert that that the Customs Union is an archetype of the last century. It means that our government is dragging Kyrgyzstan back”, the MP concluded.

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