Modern Art Museum was opened in Kabul

Date: 17:12, 28-10-2016.

Almaty. October 28. Silkroadnews – The country’s first museum of modern art was opened in Kabul, Afghan news agency (AfTAG) reports.

The museum presents the works by sculptor and painter Amanullah Haydarzada, so the museum is called “Haydarzad”.

According to the president of the Academy of Science Suraya Popal, now the task is to find a separate building for the museum. She said so far the Academy of Sciences has provided the museum exhibition with site next to the Ethnography Museum with exhibits of more than a hundred years old.

The first lady of Afghanistan Rula Ghani became the honored director of the museum.

The rich and unique cultural heritage of Afghanistan seriously suffered over the last 40 years as a result of military operations, especially during the civil war of the 90-s. Many works of ancient and medieval art in Afghanistan were smuggled out of the country and sold abroad or irretrievably lost.

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