More than 3.2 thousand hectares of new gardens and vineyards to be created in Tajikistan

Date: 13:38, 20-03-2018.

Beijing. March 20. Silkroadnews - Over 3.2 thousand hectares of new orchards and vineyards will be created in Tajikistan, the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reports on Tuesday.
New orchards and vineyards to be planted on the area of 3,255 thousand hectares in Tajikistan, the Ministry of Agriculture of the republic says.
By the end of the first decade of March, gardens and vineyards have been built on an area of 1,24 thousand hectares, to ensure 31.5% of the yield forecasted for this year.
According to the source, most of the gardens have been planted in the Khatlon region. In the south of the country, new gardens have been planted on 699 hectares. In the Sughd region and districts of the republican subordination the areas planted are 196 hectares and 159 hectares, respectively.
Last year, the republic has allocated 4,193 hectares to plant gardens and vineyards.

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