Nearly 400 Chinese and Taiwanese nationals have been arrested in Cambodia on suspicion of fraud

Date: 15:21, 17-08-2017.

Almaty. August 17. Silkroadnews – Nearly 400 Chinese and Taiwanese nationals have been arrested in Cambodia on suspicion of Internet fraud, information portal writes.
“Authorities in Cambodia have arrested nearly 400 Chinese and Taiwanese nationals this month on suspicion of operating a telecoms scam to defraud victims in China”, report said.
It is noted that China is actively fighting internet fraud, which cost the victims billions of dollars. The PRC accuses Taiwan of harboring fraudsters.
As report notes, Cambodia is one of China’s closest allies in Southeast Asia and does not recognize the government of Taiwan, which Beijing considers an unruly province. Over the recent years Cambodia deported more than 600 Chinese and Taiwanese citizens suspected of Internet fraud targeting residents of South-East Asia.
On Wednesday the police of Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh, arrested 225 Chinese citizens, including 25 women, suspected of extortion using internet voice technology. On August 2, police arrested 151 Chinese and three Taiwanese nationals in the provinces of Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey. Currently, most suspects are awaiting deportation to the PRC. Last month Cambodia deported 105 Chinese and Taiwanese suspects to China. According to the Chinese authorities, criminals should be brought to justice in China, as the victims of fraud were Chinese citizens.

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