Nearly 700 Chinese cities banned the use of pyrotechnics

Date: 07:03, 09-02-2015.

Almaty. February 6. Silkroadnews - China, on the eve of Chinese New Year, which falls this year on February 19th, have imposed restrictions on the use of fireworks, reported the agency "Xinhua".
"The Ministry of Public Security has warned that in 138 Chinese cities the use of firecrackers and fireworks is prohibited, and in 536 cities - limited", - says the publication.
According to the deputy head of the MPS Yan Chzhenbin, the State Council has established clear rules concerning the prohibition and restrictions on the use of pyrotechnics.
Currently, according to Yan Chzhenbin, local public security enhance the control over the transportation of fireworks, check the safety measures in large fireworks show, perform a comprehensive check of threats in the production of fireworks.

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