Negotiations on Iran's nuclear program will join political directors of the "Six"

Date: 07:32, 18-03-2015.

Almaty. March 18. Silkroadnews - the talks on Iran's nuclear program in Lausanne will be joined by political directors of the "six", reported the TASS.
As noted, on Monday and Tuesday in Lausanne was performed hard work to find a solution that would satisfy all. The meetings were attended by US Secretary of State John Kerry, his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi, and US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz. In the afternoon on Monday, in the discussions emerged a short break in the connection with the visit of Foreign Minister of Iran to Brussels, where he met with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, as well as colleagues from the UK, Germany and France.
As recalled by the agency, the severity of the present situation adds that in late November 2014 in Vienna, the foreign ministers of countries participating in the negotiation process decided to extend the term of the agreement on the Iranian nuclear dossier to the end of June 2015. At the same time specified that the fundamental political decisions will be reached by the end of March. But in the course of the rounds were not achieve any breakthrough, moreover, the parties noted the preservation of rather serious differences in the positions.
However, a source in one of the Western delegations noted that the agreement on Iran's nuclear program can only be achieved after the settlement of all disputes. He confirmed that all major issues of Iran's nuclear dossier proposed technical solutions, recalling that earlier in the media already appeared information on the possibility of reducing the number of centrifuges used in Iran to 6.5 thousand.
"There is a proposal of a technical nature on the heavy water reactor at Arak. The idea is to reformat the reactor so that it can not be used to produce weapons-grade materials", - said the source.
However, talking about the probability of reaching an agreement in principle on major issues of the Iranian nuclear dossier, he recalled that all the disputed points are considered as part of a package.
On Tuesday, a wide resonance in the press received a statement of Ali Akbar Salehi that Tehran and Washington have agreed on 90% of the technical issues on the Iranian nuclear program, but remained "a very important issue". On the same day Washington said that the likelihood of a successful conclusion of the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program is 50%. This opinion was expressed by the press secretary of the White House Joshua Ernest.
"We can see that Iran is coming to solve this problem very seriously. However, more complex and contentious issues yet to be resolved. Therefore, the probability of a successful conclusion of the negotiations is 50%",- said Ernest.
It is expected that the round of negotiations will be completed no earlier than Friday.

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