NSC of RK saw signs of incitement to religious hatred in the video about Kazakhstani in Syria
Almaty. July 31. Silkroadnews - the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan has seen signs of incitement to religious hatred in the video about the Kazakhstani fighting in Syria, reports KazTAG.
"At present taken measures to identify the people involved in the movie" ,- said in response of NSC RK to the received a request from KazTag on Thursday.
According to the conclusions of the special services, the content of the video has the signs of incitement to religious hatred, as a result of which was appointed a qualifying examination.
"Until it is completed it is recommended to refrain from placing a relay of this material", - warned the Office.
NSC reminded that in accordance with Article 172 of the new edition of the Criminal Code (effective from January 1, 2015) for participation in foreign military conflicts citizens of Kazakhstan will be provided by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years.
In addition, measures are taken to return home Kazakhs, including those who do not take direct part in hostilities.
According to the NSC, in a combat zone abroad there are about 100 citizens of Kazakhstan, including members of their families.