Number of foreigner nationals entering Uzbekistan nearly doubled

Beijing. Jul 12. Silkroadnews - The total number of foreign citizens entering Uzbekistan has almost doubled in the first half of 2018, compared to the same period of 2017, and amounted to 2.688 million, i.e. a 91.6% increase, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
As the press service of the State Committee for Tourism Development informs, this became possible due to the major reforms carried out in the country’s tourism sector.
Significant increase in the number of visitors was recorded from countries for which the visa-free regime has been recently launched, the Uzbek media inform. E.g. the number of tourists from Turkey reached 31,966 people (+ 95.6%), from Japan - 6.2 thousand (+ 68.1%), Israel - 3.615 thousand (+ 86.2%), Indonesia - 750 (more than three times increase), Singapore - 424 (more than 2.5 times increase).
In June, there was also an increase recorded in the number of tourists arriving from the Republic of Korea (+ 57.5%) and Malaysia (by 2.6 times).