Number of Internet and mobile communication users in Tajikistan decreased due to the economic crisis

Date: 11:29, 17-05-2016.

Almaty. May 17. Silkroadnews – The number of Tajikistan’s Internet users has decreased nearly by 200 thousand users since the beginning of the year, Tajik telegraph agency (TajikTA) reported on Tuesday.

“The number of Internet users in Tajikistan since the beginning of the year decreased by approximately 200 thousand subscribers, the number of mobile users decreased by 1.3 million users,” the communication department under the government of Tajikistan says.

At the beginning of April, the number of web users in the republic was about 2.8 million people, though at the beginning of the year their number made 3 million users.

The communication department explains this trend by the “economic crisis”.

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