Number of small businesses and micro-enterprises in China reached 73.28 million

Date: 07:20, 04-09-2017.

Almaty. September 4. Silkroadnews – Number of small businesses and micro-enterprises reached 73.28 million in China, the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported.
As of the end of July 2017 73.28 million small business entities have been registered in China, including 23.28 million enterprises and 50 million individual industrial and commercial enterprises, report said.
According to Zhang Mao, head of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China, small and micro- enterprises have already become China’s main market driver and a pillar in growing employment. He believes, the small business registry should become the major platform for collecting data and providing relevant services to assist the state in supporting the small and micro- enterprises.
Zhang Mao also noted the government’s important task is to strengthen the focus and effectiveness of policies to support the small and micro-enterprises, as well as the level of small businesses’ acquaintance with the relevant policies and evaluation of satisfaction with measures carried out by the government.

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