Owner and editor of magazine dedicated to Hitler fined for technical mistakes

Date: 14:25, 12-05-2014.

Almaty. May 12. Silkroadnews – The owner and the editor of “Anyz Adam” magazine, the April issue of which was dedicated to Hitler, has been fined. The fine is USD 1220, as the Almaty City Court spokesperson, Kuandyk Eshimbet, informs.
The owner and the editor-in-chief of the magazine was found guilty, as he violated administrative law. (He violated the procedure for the issue information announcement). He was ordered to pay administrative fine, the issue copies have not been confiscated. The total amound of administrative fine is 222 000 KZT (USD 1 220)”, Eshimbet said.
As reported earlier, April edition of a Magazine that is published in Kazakh language was dedicated to Adolf Hitler’s personality and Fascist ideology. Zharylkap Kalybay is the magazine’s editor-in-chief.
Later, Kazakh Information and Communication Agency has found signs of constitutional violation in its content, when it comes to Kazakhstan legislation on incitement of social, national, racial, tribal and religious hatred. (Criminal Code, Article 164).

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